

Monday, May 6, 2013

Staro vidjenje- Old precognition  Ljubica about The aliens
04.09 2009.-World[/color]
Mijuki Hatojama 20 years ago had a close encounter
First Lady of Japan claims to have flown with aliens
Author: Beta | Photo: Reuters | 03.09.2009. - 17:54
Wife of newly elected Japanese Prime Minister Jukija Hatojame, claims that 20 years ago had a close encounter of the third kind.

"While my body slept, I think my soul is the vehicle in alien spacecraft in the shape of a triangle and I was on Venus," writes Mijuki Hatojama in his book .
Prediction Ljubica- People from other planets are with us.Visit as with other civilizations and to will be proven.
-Osobe sa drugih planeta postoje i one su sa nama.Posecuju nasu planetu i to ce biti dokazano.
-Dokaz tacnih Ljubicinih predvidjanja
During the eclipse of the Sun
Chinese scientists recorded UFO 40 minutes! / video /
Author: Blic online | Photo: YouTube | 07.09.2009. - 13:50
Scientists Purple Mountain Observatory in Nandžingu confirmed that during the eclipse of the Sun 22nd July made a recording of an unidentified flying object of a long 40 minutes, and this news has raised dust in the right circles of people who study UFOs.

-Dokaz tacnih Ljubicinih predvidjanja.Svet
Tokom pomračenja Sunca
Kineski naučnici snimali NLO 40 minuta! /video/
Autor: Blic online | Foto:YouTube | 07.09.2009. - 13:50
Naučnici opservatorije Parpl Mauntin u Nandžingu potvrdili su da su tokom pomračenja Sunca 22. jula napravili snimak neidentifikovanog letećeg objekta dugog 40 minuta, a ova vest podigla je pravu prašinu u krugovima ljudi koji proučavaju NLO-e.

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